Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hello, Spring!

Today (21st of March) is the first official day of spring! The sun is shining and I feel warm both physically and emotionally. I love to see the colorful flowers all around us, after this cold winter.

Google is also celebrating this first day f spring with Marimekko's ( special doodle design. I have always liked their drawings of flower.I even have a puzzle of his flowers, which my uncle bought me when I was little. By the way, Marimekko is a Finish company based in Helsinki that has made important contributions to fashion, especially in the 1960s and 1970s.  

Here is the doodle,

Marimekko's flowers are even on a balloon which is called Uniko hot-air balloon,
You can have a look at

 Hello, Spring! Let the sun shine all the time and make us feel warm and content:)